Wednesday, August 4, 2010

we all went to Sandhollow yesterday and it was a BLAST!! I love that lake its sooooo fun! It was Sheen, Tam, Jake, Brian, and Brittany. And Justin and Preston met us there. we had so much fun jumping off the cliffs and swimming around, and I had a fun time flirting with Preston. Its been awesome having my Siblings down here with me. oh and the puppy :)

We all went and saw Tarzan at tuacahn monday night and monday morning played in the fountain in town and had a mudd fight with Justin. :) ummmm I took one of my clients, Amy, swimming today and we had so much fun playing on the slide and spraying eachother. It kinda sucked cuz I was the oldest girl there who wasnt a mom and all the life guards freaking kept looking at me which was really weird. haha but oh well. I love my job and i love the fact that i have an income. :) well thats it... not a lot to report.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


My mom brought down my sisters and brother on thursday night this week and its been amazing having them around. Its really nice cuz I've missed them so so so much. I was kinda bummed though because my dad couldnt come too so i didnt get to see him :( My mom could only stay until friday afternoon due to the fact she had to work on saturday morning. Words cant express how much it sucked to only be able to see her for a few hours. After she left on friday I went to work and thought I was doing okay and then the ladies asked me about my day and I just started crying. Talk about feeling stupid. But I just miss my mom soooo much and only being able to see her for a few hours was amazing but completely horrible. better then nothing I guess... anyways other then having them around nothing much has been going on. I work the graveyard wednesday and thursday night and I'm still trying to recover from that.. Going to Tuachahn tomorrow!!! to see TARZAN!!! I'm totally stoked! well more later..