Tuesday, December 20, 2011




Tuesday, September 20, 2011

life in CRAZY

I swear life is nutso!! Hopefully this weekend pres and I are going with Cody to Bloomington Caves!!
Umm lets see bullet point list of things that have happened since last point(to save time)
  • Camping in Cabin at Kolab
  • Hanging out with Cody in Cedar
  • Rodeo
  • Shopping spree!!
  • Cut my bangs to straight across again (still getting used to them)
  • Math math and more math homework
  • Got a 93 on first math test
  • got a 43 out 0f 50 on my first history test
  • Pres and I are gonna by bikes (hopefully)
Still want a freaking Horse!!

hehe ya thats about all i can think of. Well besides working and what not. Well gotta head off to class.

Monday, August 8, 2011

bridal pictures

So yesterday i took Chelsee's bridal pictures! It was my first time and i was way nervous but i think we got some really great shots! i'm excited to get them onto my computer!! I'm really thinking about learning more and trying this out for a little "for fun" thing on the side... Also will be taking their wedding pictures on Saturday. This is really great experience i'm glad they asked me to.

Thursday, August 4, 2011


ITS SO HOT!!! well summer has finally hit! geeze i feel like i could melt just by looking outside, but i'm not complaining i love it, except for the exploded nail polish in my car... but oh well! Anyways i have to go to work today but only for 6 hours! yay!

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Horrible Blogger!

So I've gotta be the worlds worst blogger! I don't ever right on this thing even though I have stuff to say it just seems I don't have the time.. ugh

Well to start things off i'm sitting at johns house and have almost 2 hours before i have to go to work and i wanna just be lazy! except there is nothing really to eat here except cereal and i've already had 2 bowls. That is basically my cereal limit for today. Anyhoo, last Friday Pres and I went to Veyo Pools. It is very beautiful up there! We had fun swimming around in the pool and then went and caught crawdads up in the river. The river was so blasted ColD!! but we had fun.

Pres and I have been meaning to go out to sandhollow this summer and still haven't made it! its crazy usually i've gone 5 or so times by now! This weekend were headed up to my house to celebrate the fourth of July!! i'm stoked its going to be waaay fun! I love fireworks!

I'm also way excited for Harry Potter 7!!! We went and bought our midnight showing tickets last week and i'm totally stoked!

So it was my birthday like 2 weeks ago and i'm officially 20! yay!! no longer a teenager hehes. I was lucky enough to find someone to cover my shift so i had the whole day off! So we started getting ready for the day to go out and do some shopping and what not. While i was getting ready Preston's mom gave me a card and some awesome hair shampoo (Joico-its my new fave) and some cash! then pres said he was going to get the first part of my present but he was all worried that i wouldn't like it and he told me not to get my hopes up. (DOrK!) so he left and came back and handed me my present number one: The Catcher in the Rye- hardback version. I was totally stoked! Its one of my top favorite classics! We then met up with my grandma and went to Ross and picked out some shirts from grams and then bought a few with my birthday money from Trisha. After shopping Preston took me to Benja's Thai house! and we got all you can eat Sushi!!! It was AMAZING!!! We were so stuffed!!! After Benja's we went back to his house and his sister had made me cupcakes(my favorite kind) and we relaxed until we could breathe again from being so full. Preston's sister gave me a card and said she was gonna die and trim my hair for my birthday present (hopefully she's doing it tomorrow) and prestons brother and his girlfriend (mostly ally ) ;) got me some cool stickers and a clear case for my phone ( the Droid- finally got it ) after that pres drove me to mesquite and bought me a beautiful pearl ring. its awesome cuz its my birthstone and its beautiful! Anyways that's basically it.
It was definitely a great birthday and prestons family really spoiled me and made it great since my family couldn't come down again, since they had been down the weekend before for my grandpa's funeral.

Well idk its a kinda scatterbrained post but oh well its there at least!
losta love!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sun Burns and Gel Toes

So basically I am stuck at my uncles house doing nothing because Preston has to work ALL day. It sucks because there is seriously nothing to do and I am feeling way lazy...

Yesterday Pres and I went and layed out to do some much needed tanning and we both got burnt! Him more then me it was pretty hilarious but he is definately a white boy so it makes sense. I'm excited to be getting some sun though i really really need it!

In other news i finished my finals and am just waiting to receive my grades back. I'm just so glad to be done with them! I waited till the last possible minute to finish them but that is what i'm good at so oh well.. :)

I got my arm pits waxed for the first time on thursday. It was painful but totally worth it!! I'm going to keep that up for sure. I also need to make an apointment to get some Gel Toes done again now that its summer time and people will actually be seeing my toes on daily basis. Other then that i'm just seriously loving this black shatter nail polish by Katy Perry! its totally sick, right now i have silver disco sparkles underneath it and i love it!

Ummmm dont really know what else is up... There is a rather large section of ceiling missing at my work cuz a pipe was leaking. Which i think is funny because the alarm has been going off for about a week now (the water pressure alarm) and no one even thought to check the pipes.. i swear this house is only like 2 years old and its falling apart already.

Also i think i'm going to start a new 2 year contract but i dont know which service is best, verizon is what i'm on now and well all of my family is verizon too but i dont know if they are the cheapest best service.. if anyone has any insight in this please let me know. Because basically i will be getting a droid and so that requires data pack plus i gotta have unlimited text so ya... anyhoo thats basically it.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Capri suns and tan lines

Well i just wrote out a whole blog and it got deleted! FREAKING HELL!!!! I am pissed! Argh

Well i'm just going to bullet point what i wrote cuz i am too pissed to re-write that entire thing

  • Grampa Schurter is in a new facility, called Elderberry Care. Its an actual house and only has four other ladies in it. Pres and i went to visit yesterday and it really nice. Grampa is finally getting the care he deserves and was actually talking more then i've seen in a really long time.
  • Finals week and i've got 2 essays due by wednesday.
  • Pschology paper 4-5 pages
  • English paper 5 paragraphs (not so bad)
Anyhoo thats it with out all the fluffy stuff i had put in.
This weekend was pretty cool i saw Aaron Barker my bestest guyfriend. we hung out for a few hours just talking and catching up it was really nice. Kaylee came down this weekend and i was stoked to see her but due to STUPID FREAKING PHONES i never got her text yesterday :( so now i get to sit around today being bummed about not seeing my bestest girlfriend but oh well i'll see her hopefully during sheens graduation time. :D anyhoo... thats really it.

I have been doing a wonderful job procrastinating doing these finals with help from the wonderful world wide web. With websites such as Facebook, Youtube, Hulu, and Blogspot (among others) who needs to do homework!! I also have spent a hour or so today looking up Droid phones. Stupid Verizon wont let me upgrade until January 2011!!!! can you believe that?! so if i want a new phone i have to pay full freaking price! ARGHHHH

Well thats it. more later(probably in another month or so...)