Monday, May 2, 2011

Capri suns and tan lines

Well i just wrote out a whole blog and it got deleted! FREAKING HELL!!!! I am pissed! Argh

Well i'm just going to bullet point what i wrote cuz i am too pissed to re-write that entire thing

  • Grampa Schurter is in a new facility, called Elderberry Care. Its an actual house and only has four other ladies in it. Pres and i went to visit yesterday and it really nice. Grampa is finally getting the care he deserves and was actually talking more then i've seen in a really long time.
  • Finals week and i've got 2 essays due by wednesday.
  • Pschology paper 4-5 pages
  • English paper 5 paragraphs (not so bad)
Anyhoo thats it with out all the fluffy stuff i had put in.
This weekend was pretty cool i saw Aaron Barker my bestest guyfriend. we hung out for a few hours just talking and catching up it was really nice. Kaylee came down this weekend and i was stoked to see her but due to STUPID FREAKING PHONES i never got her text yesterday :( so now i get to sit around today being bummed about not seeing my bestest girlfriend but oh well i'll see her hopefully during sheens graduation time. :D anyhoo... thats really it.

I have been doing a wonderful job procrastinating doing these finals with help from the wonderful world wide web. With websites such as Facebook, Youtube, Hulu, and Blogspot (among others) who needs to do homework!! I also have spent a hour or so today looking up Droid phones. Stupid Verizon wont let me upgrade until January 2011!!!! can you believe that?! so if i want a new phone i have to pay full freaking price! ARGHHHH

Well thats it. more later(probably in another month or so...)

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