Thursday, September 16, 2010

Well this last week has been somewhere inbetween crappy and awesome. Saturday I bought myself a bran new Honda Civic, well its brand new for me, its a 96 and its amazing. Monday I spent running around trying to get its windsheild replaced and it inspected and licensed. Although all that i got done was the first two cuz even though i started at 10 in the morning it still wasnt done till 5 and since the dmv is in Hurricane i didnt make it in time before it closed. Tuesday, Wednesday pretty much all I did was be sick! I caught a stupid cold and BOY! did it suck! Monday before I really realized how sick i was getting and being the kinda person i am (aka doesnt like to say no to doing fun thing) I went out four wheeling with Preston and his brother and girlfriend. It was a bLAST and I even caught a tarantula :)

Anyways its thursday now and while I'm still a little sick i'm doing quite a bit better which means now I gotta catch up on the dreaded homework. :( oh well.. and tonight is the rodeo with Preston so that should be interesting... :) well more later!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day of pampering

So thursdays are turning out to be my favorite days ever!! Last thursday my bestest friend Kaylee and I went on a massive shopping spree and out to lunch and pretty much just had the best day ever. This thursday she and i are going to get pedicures and then getting 2 hour massages. Freak ya!!I'm so excited. We always have a blast together I'm so glad she's down here with me!! Also I get to see Preston again tomorrow this week has been busy for both of us so we havent spent hardly any time together but tomorrow we're gonna get in my hot tub that we filled up on monday but didnt get to use.

I took my math test today, and it was waaay easy i'm pretty sure i aced it!! boo yah! Ballet was fun but way stressful cuz she was video taping us but oh well it'll be fun to see the improvement at the end of the year :)

At work Elsa and I took Amy and Susan to work out at the gym. We had way fun and even though I was feeling waaaay lazy I still got a bit accomplished :) Then it was out to lunch with grams and my uncle Johny for some yummy Applebees. John and I are going car shopping saturday so wish me luck that we'll find something!!
well gotta catch some z's
night ladies and gents

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life in the fast lane!

Well life is about as fun and awesome and stressful as it gets. I've been in school for about 2 weeks now and its truckin right along. My first math test is tomorrow YIPES!! and I started writing my first essay for english today. Work is nice. Sometimes I kinda wish I worked less hours but all in all its really great considering I do practically any homework I have while I'm at work. I'm really glad to have Kaylee back down here! I missed her like nutso and Whit too even though we dont get to hang out very often. Kaylee and I went on a massive shopping spree last thursday and went to lunch and just had the best day ever!! This thursday should prove to be just as amazing!! I'm stoked for pedicures and makin some Jello ;) hehe 2 weekends ago was the nerds vs jocks dance. thats what the picture is of. we had a blast getting dressed up and then going to the dance and dennys afterwards :) the day prior was the foam dance down at the college which was pretty cool too.
only bad news lately is that my car is DEAD! :( sooo inconvienent i've had to have grams and my amazing friend(god love em!) drive me around. talk about awful but oh well..

Preston and I filled up my hot tub yesterday so I'm super excited to get to use that now!! Preston and I have been hanging out quite a bit lately and I'm lovin it. He's a total cutie! I'm hopin to hit up the dance factory and party hardy with Kyle this weekend its going to be a blast!!
well thats really it..
sorry this is silly and kinda random ;)
loves Arreana