Well this last week has been somewhere inbetween crappy and awesome. Saturday I bought myself a bran new Honda Civic, well its brand new for me, its a 96 and its amazing. Monday I spent running around trying to get its windsheild replaced and it inspected and licensed. Although all that i got done was the first two cuz even though i started at 10 in the morning it still wasnt done till 5 and since the dmv is in Hurricane i didnt make it in time before it closed. Tuesday, Wednesday pretty much all I did was be sick! I caught a stupid cold and BOY! did it suck! Monday before I really realized how sick i was getting and being the kinda person i am (aka doesnt like to say no to doing fun thing) I went out four wheeling with Preston and his brother and girlfriend. It was a bLAST and I even caught a tarantula :)
Anyways its thursday now and while I'm still a little sick i'm doing quite a bit better which means now I gotta catch up on the dreaded homework. :( oh well.. and tonight is the rodeo with Preston so that should be interesting... :) well more later!