Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 7 Definition of Love

Well I guess I am going to pick this 30 days thing up again :) kinda got busy for a while there ;) anyhoo

My definition of love is just simply that you care for the other person enough that you would do anything for them, Always want what is best for them, and will always be there for them. Through thick and thin. When you have a selfless love for someone else that is true love.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So I have to agree with my darling Kaylee Nicole Bankhead about good 'ole Valentines day. I dont really like it. You shouldnt need one day to say i love you. It should be a constant thing. All V-day has become is commercialized just like a lot of our other holidays. just a day for the stores to say "hey come spend lotsa money here cuz if you dont you SUCK" lol well maybe its not THAT bad but oh well.. ;) but as it is i have a boyfriend and v-day IS coming whether i like it or not so i need to know what the HELL i'm supposed to GIVE him. Its so easy for the guys, some flowers or jewelery and hey i'm good but what do i get for him? ? ughhh any ideas that are semi original would be much appreciated as i have NONE :( lol
Hope everyone has a fun v-day and has lotsa love