Tuesday, September 20, 2011

life in CRAZY

I swear life is nutso!! Hopefully this weekend pres and I are going with Cody to Bloomington Caves!!
Umm lets see bullet point list of things that have happened since last point(to save time)
  • Camping in Cabin at Kolab
  • Hanging out with Cody in Cedar
  • Rodeo
  • Shopping spree!!
  • Cut my bangs to straight across again (still getting used to them)
  • Math math and more math homework
  • Got a 93 on first math test
  • got a 43 out 0f 50 on my first history test
  • Pres and I are gonna by bikes (hopefully)
Still want a freaking Horse!!

hehe ya thats about all i can think of. Well besides working and what not. Well gotta head off to class.