Aaron, Me, Whit, Cody, (Quintons date), and Quinton when we first got to the dance.

Okay, so last night was the D-Dance. It was SO much fun. I got all dressed up in what would have been my prom outfit but wasnt. (not even sad about that though ;) ) met my date there. Aaron is his name and he is a StUd MufFiN!! we had a blast dancing and goofing off. I felt so silly though I stepped on his feet A lot :/ but he just laughed and kinda made fun of me. when I took my shoes off I stepped on his feet and we danced like that for a bit it was way fun.
Then it was midnight! Ah! time to become a true rebel, except I didnt know if he was game or not but it turned out he was so we went out there and he took his shoes off and we got into the fountain, but it was Ice Cold! So cold your feet felt like they were bruised or something. so we jumped back out and waited for the absolute last minute to get back in. then at midnight we kissed :) nothing gross and slobbery just a nice kiss. but we jumped out of the fountain asap! after wards we went back to their house and watched Night at the Roxbury and then we all went back to whits house and slept.
Today was Greg's farewell and I went and watched that. Afterwards I came home and did homework. YUCK. but then at five I went with Kaylee and Whit to Jenna -kaylees roomate- s bridal shower for a bit then later tonight we went to the hot tub at Whits house. The boys met us there. Man does Aaron look good with his shirt off ;) but now i'm home and stuff. so i'm going to go sit in bed and sleep hopefully
Night, Sleep Tight,
:) he is a stud muffin!!