My very first blog ever! ba I've always thought it was a fun idea but never actually imagined I'd have one of my own. So here goes nothin...
Yesterday I went to Las Vegas with my cousins and Grandma. We did the whole touristy thing up and down the strip into almost every casino and then down to Fremont street. It was so cool! I was like a little kid oohing and aahing over everything. We went to the Luxor and as we were walking through a guy asked us if we would like to stop and try the Oxygen Bar for free, so we stopped and tried it! it was SO cool except the thing that you stuck in your nose they had four different "flavors" Peppermint, a Lavender and Hibiscus or something, Hibiscus, and Peppermint and Wintergreen. It was really envigorating (cant spell sorry). We ate at this insane buffet! I'll write more about it later when I'm not at Kaylee's house and have watched Glee! cuz I missed it yesteryday!