Sunday, May 30, 2010


So this week has been amazing. I'm finally home and I'm loving it. I've missed everyone so much, and one of the best things is grams is here with me too!!

Okay so Friday last week grams got a call early in the morning from gramps rest home saying they couldn't keep him cuz of his anger problems so we had to take him to salt lake to the hospital cuz they have a program where they try all the different types of drugs on him until they can make his anger go away. So Karls kids came and got him for us and took him up there on friday. Grams and I left Saturday afternoon and drove up here. I drove the whole way cuz she was flustered and stressed and her driving goes all to poo when shes like that.

All week it seems like i've been doing tons of stuff but because i dont want this post to be waay long i'll just give highlights.

Monday- Aaron came over and we played all day, literally first we played some war, speed, California speed (except we forgot most the rules for that one so we made up our own) and egyptian rat screw. Then we played Uno with Sheen. Next we got out the Dominoes and set up some pretty cool things in the hall way except we didnt get very far cuz I kept accidentally knocking it down. Then later we played Phase 10 with my grams, mom and jake. Whit and Sheen and I went on a late night Denny's run and then to Walmart out of boredom. Then Whit and I sat in her car talking till about 3 in the morning. I love long talks with friends!!

Tuesday- Jared invited me to hang out so he picked me up and we went to his house and in his back yard (which is more like a huge field) and built a fire. It took about an hour took get the fire lit but once it was going we roasted marshmallows and talked it was really fun and nice to catch up with an old friend and joke about our first loves. We got hot cocoa right before he dropped me off at midnight cuz my dad had to play dad and give me a curfew.

Wednesday- I just hung out at home mostly with my siblings and mom and grandma. Chadly came over for a bit to play some guitar hero. Mostly I just read my newest book. The hunger games. Spent the night with Kaylee making shirts and a power point for the next day. We stayed up till 2 and I sure missed her for the last little while we havent been able to hang out

Thursday- Kaylee and I drove up to Granger high school where her sister teaches financial lit. We played with beer goggles with the kids and then put on a presentation about college and what its like, and what we did, and what not. It was a lot of fun. My favorite was the last period of the day they were a lot of fun!! That night Kaylee and Whitney and I were gonna go to Sex and the City 2 but then i didnt contact kaylee in time so we didnt get to go :( so whitney and i were really bored and didnt have anything to so we went to wally world in search of giant marshmallows and mostly just an excuse to get out of the house. We spent a good couple hours in walmart goofing around and stuff. Then went to maceys to see if they had the giant marshmallows but of course they didnt either so we just got some really yummy pretzel shaped donuts. Then went back to my house and watched most of Emporers new groove!! I havent laughed that hard in a long time.

Friday- Aaron came over for a bit in the afternoon and we talked and he gave me my engagement ring ;) and we planned our engagment pictures and when we would take them. When he left I read my book and and then helped my dad look up people on facebook. After that we put in Where the Wild things are. My dad and I were play punching eachother but both ended up with bruises :D haha so fun. So for the most part that day was just relaxing.

Saturday- Went to SLC with grams to visit gramps again and then her and I went to Trolley Square and had lunch at The Spaghetti Factory and then got abunch of taffy from the candy store there. When we got home and my cousins got there we all went swimming. It was freezing!!! I had fun slidding around in the shallow part with jake and slow mo running through the lazy river. but it was so cold and my lips were turning blue so i got out like a half hour early. We went and watched the fireworks at the miller motor sports park. When we got home Sheen and I watched The Hurt Locker, I finished my book, then went to sleep.

Sunday- Woke up and went to Sacrament with Aaron today. We had fun making fun of Theresa ;) and I got to see my 6th grade teacher. After that we left and ended up sitting in his truck talking for like 2 hours it was soooo awesome!! He's so great and fun!!! When i got inside my dad teased me about him being my new fling and i told him noo were just friends, but their all taking bets anyways ;) Now i'm in SLC visting gramps again cuz grams cant drive in salt lake traffic. Later were gonna have a picnic with my cousins. I'm excited!!!!

Sorry this is soooo long. I even tried to make it short!
more later!!
Loves and kisses

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