If your a girl generally 50% if not more of your time (i know i spend more) is spent thinking about boys. Boys do the same thing. We think about if they like us, if they think we are pretty, will they ask us to hang out today, do they even want to hang out with us again today, how should i act when i am hanging out with them, do i sit next to him or do i make him sit next to me. And SOO much more. I realized i spend too much time thinking about boys but i dont know how to quit. Why is it so hard for me to be single? to just be me? I know that i need to be and yet i keep finding myself wanting to be in another relationship. I think that one part is because knowing that someone else is interested in me, makes me feel like i'm worth something, that the other boy really was just crazy and doesnt know what he's loosing. Other times i just long for that closeness you can really only have with that one person.
Being with that boy fills that emptyness that comes after a break up. but i think the purpose of a break up is to learn to fill that with out someone else. maybe. and when i can learn to do that i can learn to be in a real relationship again? I dunno what do you think?
And at what point do i draw the line. I want to date and have fun but i suck at it. I get my sights set on one and then most dont look apealing anymore... hmmm So i cant just swear of boys in general because one: i would go crazy with boredom and two: most my friends are boys...
anyways this whole post has done nothing but make me even more confused but maybe you guys can help me.. help me figure out how to fix this????
love always,
I agree with the being single means that you need to feel the good stuff about you with out the boy, I think that something that every girls need to feel to be comfertable with herself and love her for everything and not be depenant on a guy for those things.
ReplyDeleteThink about it this way. Once you find a new guy that fits you just perfectly you have the opportunity to fall in love again. So sift through the guys and wait it out.
ReplyDeleteYOU are a wonderful person Arreana! And remember BOYS are stupid.