I just got done watching Funny Girl on netflix. Such an amazing movie!! She falls in love with an amazing man. of course ;) but the whole time while all these good things are happening with her I keep thinking "hmmm she's going to find out he's cheating on her" or "he's going to leave her or he's lying about something" and then when it didn't happen I realized .. I'm turning into a cynic.. if i cant watch a musical which i know generally end happy without being terrified about the man doing something awful, then something is seriously wrong. I mean isn't it usually the other way around? Believing throughout the movie that everything is going to be perfect only come to find out its not? And then in the end it does happen and I'm just like "I knew it" At least its like reality. Nothing is like a fairy tale, no matter how much you wish or pray or just simply try to ignore the bad, its always there and always comes back. Anyhoo it was an amazing movie and I wish i could sing even just a little like Barbara she's so amazing. If you haven't seen it I would DEFINITELY recommend it.
Well its 3 in the morning so I'll write more later
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