Thursday, June 24, 2010


So while I was living at home through out high school and the little while afterwards my relationship with my dad was less then amazing. While my mom and I have always got along, my dad and I butted heads a lot. My siblings and I would get in spats and it was just annoying.
Since I've moved out I've noticed everything has improved. I miss being with my mom all day long but our relationship is generally the same as it was. But me and my dad actually get along now (for the most part ;) ) and I find that I miss him more then I ever thought I would. His opinion means so much to me and he gives me the best advice. And my siblings and I never fight!! Its really great!! When I went home during school on the weekends Jake would always give me the biggest hugs and he just wanted to hang out with me the whole time. It made me feel so loved and special.
I guess I always took my family for granted and it took me leaving to really realize how much I loved and needed them. Also I guess that is also part of growing up. I miss them every day and love them.
Anyways thats really all I wanted to say, Is just not to take anything for granted especially your family because they are the ones who will always be there for you no MATTER WHAT!!

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