Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Job!

I'm officially a working girl now! I cant believe it. I'm so crazy nervous because this job is nothing like my last... ahhhh... but still i'm excited i've met some of the women I will be working with and they are amazing! The woman that hired me especially.
So I go to orientation on monday!! hehe Other then that I just finished putting together my fall schedule and I'm pretty excited but i'm going to buckle down and not play so much because re-taking classes SUCKS!!

For those of you who would like to know i'm taking Ballet 1, English 1010 (again blech), Medical Terminology, Math 0990 (Again really really blech), intro to rock climbing (wooooooo) and lastly Tennis, because I only had room for one more credit so I just signed up for that one.

Anyways I'm pretty stoked about this fall and starting a new job!! It'll be nice to have an income again :) Oh and I found out today that I don't have to retake Biology!! That was the best news of the day! even better then getting a job in my opinion cuz that class was brutal!!!!
well I'm off the watch my new movies, Moulin Rouge and Little Rascals!
Love ya lots!

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