Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Weirdo dreams

As most of you know I am a very active dreamer. I have some of the weirdest funkiest dreams EVER!! haha I've dreamt of just about everything. Some times it sucks and other times its reaally really funn! The other night was a not fun one but kinda funny at the same time. I was dreaming that I was at Mickey D's with bobby. post break up and it was awkward but for some reason we were trying. We sat down to eat and his mom, dad, and brother in law were there and they invited me and Tam to go paintballing the next day. I told them I would think about it and get back to them. I went home and my grandma asked me if I was going to go. Immediately I replied "NO Way!" to which she got a very stunned face and said "ARREANA!!!"

"what?! you try going out and hanging out with your ex and pretending that everything is okay when it feels like your heart is being shredded! No I am not going and thats final." I responded angrily. ( I'm a little dramatic in my dreams ;) but she just yelled at me "ARREANA!?!?!"

I went to respond back but started to wake up. I realized then that grams had been yelling at me from the other room hehe and it just came through into my dreams. I always laugh when that happens with music or anything.
Anyways not much is going on besides my weirdo dreams gonna go watch fireworks Saturday night with my good friend Justin and with any luck his sexy best friend!! :) Grams and I are going to plan a weekend that we can go to my house. I miss home like nutso!! lol anyhoo thats it really.... not a really exciting post but oh well :)
loves Arreana

Friday, July 16, 2010

Work, Swimming, and bellybuttons ;)

Well this last week has been fun. Went to a work meeting on Wednesday and my boss asked me if I would work more hours so now I work every day except Monday and longer hours on Saturday and Sunday. Which will be nice cuz I'll have more money but sucky cuz I'll have less time. On Monday I went to Sand hollow with Justin! It was waay fun and we both got extremely sunburned. Hung out with Quinton on Wednesday and that was a BLAST!! I took him out to lunch and then we went and ran around in the water fountain in the middle of town. Afterwards we took his truck out off roading, we ended up driving clear to the top of one of the bluffs. He even let me drive a bit!!! We goofed around and then came home but it was seriously an awesome date!! Other then that I haven't done much except work... I worked my first graveyard and that seriously sucked but oh well..

Oh I guess my biggest news is I went and got my belly button pierced Monday after swimming. Its waay cute and I'm loving it so far. Except when I have to put alcohol on it thennn not so much :)

Well thats it for now!! Going to the dance factory tomorrow night! should be a blast!

Loves Arreana

Friday, July 9, 2010

Chalk drawings and Pillow fights

So this week Aaron had to come to St George for his job, He replaces old movie screens with the new silver ones that work for 3D movies, anyways what that ment was I got to have my bestest friend for the week!! We had so much fun. We did everything that we could possibly fit into 4 days. Swimming, playing in the fountain was day 1! and oh so fun!! Day 2 he came up to my house for the entire day!! We watched Moulin Rouge then went out side and played on my swings. My grandma asked me to water the roses so that started a very mini water fight (as in me getting him but running and then him not being able to get me) then we came inside and somehow a MASSIVE pillow fight started! haha best time ever. At one point he locked himself in my room so I snuck over and open and closed the garage door and then ran and hid in the laundry room which is right next to it, eventually he came out to see if i really did go outside, when he got to the garage door i jumped out and smacked him in the head with my pillow!! haha scared him so bad he did this kinda squeak thing it was hilarious!!
One of the nights I went with him to his work and got to see how the movie theater works!! and how they put up new screens it was pretty cool!
Yesterday we went and picked up my cousin Brittany and bought some coke and blew it up with mentos!! then we went to the mall and goofed off there and he got me 2 books for my birthday!! A farewell to arms by Ernest Hemingway and Burned by Ellen Hopkins!! Then I took them over to the spinny park. we played for a bit and then drew allllll over with our chalk!! Artic circle came next and the 60 cent cones were oh so yummy!!

It was just great to spend time goofing off and just having fun. The convorsations we had were nice. Anyways thats all that :) Today I'm going to go see Get him to the Greek again with Justin and Preston and this girl named Megan. And then tomorrow I'm going to learn how to skim board with Quinton!!! Totally excited for that!!!
Well thats pretty much it for now!!
Loves xoxo

Monday, July 5, 2010

Week In Retrospect

So this has been a long and fun week. I've started my new job officially and worked tuesday friday saturday and sunday last week. And i've decided I love it!! Its so chill and the girls are so funny and unique. One of them, Tamara, loves to dance any time there is music she is up and dancing. I swear she has better dance moves then I do!! But all of them are funny. Ramona is the oldest (it think) and she has alzheimers but she is so cute. its funny because any time you tell her to get up and take her meds or shower or somthing she lets out a string of curse words like you wouldnt believe. its hilarious hearing it from her cuz she really is sweet. Anyways so mostly what i do i've come to realize is we just hang out with them and supervise. make sure they are ok. We cook their meals, which i am loving, because i like cooking when its actually for someone.

Ok so thats pretty much it about my job for now... :) but yesterday I hung out with my cousins for the fourth of July. We had a BLAST!! First Brittany and I cut up her shirt and it turned out way cool! Then we went out to dinner with Grams. After getting home from that my cousin showed me how to breathe fire out of my mouth!!!!! It took me some getting used to but by the end of the night I was doing it like a pro! I have a pic of him doing it its pretty cool. Then he and I altered the picalo petes so they made a big BOOM! instead of screaming and we each were throwing the flowers up in the air and just having fun. I love fireworks especially with my fam!! After that we just came home Grams and I talked for a bit while i cooked up some yummy sausage cuz I had been craving it.

Any ways thats it!! I love living down here in St George its amazing. Well thats all i've got for now!
Love Arreana

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Eminem - Beautiful

I love this song because of the chorus.