Friday, July 16, 2010

Work, Swimming, and bellybuttons ;)

Well this last week has been fun. Went to a work meeting on Wednesday and my boss asked me if I would work more hours so now I work every day except Monday and longer hours on Saturday and Sunday. Which will be nice cuz I'll have more money but sucky cuz I'll have less time. On Monday I went to Sand hollow with Justin! It was waay fun and we both got extremely sunburned. Hung out with Quinton on Wednesday and that was a BLAST!! I took him out to lunch and then we went and ran around in the water fountain in the middle of town. Afterwards we took his truck out off roading, we ended up driving clear to the top of one of the bluffs. He even let me drive a bit!!! We goofed around and then came home but it was seriously an awesome date!! Other then that I haven't done much except work... I worked my first graveyard and that seriously sucked but oh well..

Oh I guess my biggest news is I went and got my belly button pierced Monday after swimming. Its waay cute and I'm loving it so far. Except when I have to put alcohol on it thennn not so much :)

Well thats it for now!! Going to the dance factory tomorrow night! should be a blast!

Loves Arreana

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