Wow its been quite a while since I've had time to sit down and blog. I have been doing a lot but at the same time not really anything new. Mostly I just work and go to school. I hang out with Preston a lot to. He's really great and since my bestest friend had to move home he's been a lifesaver ;) The main thing i'm looking forward to is next week! I get to go home for 2 1/2 days to visit for Sheens birthday! I'm very excited!!Its going to be nice to be home even if it is a short visit.
Wednesday night Pres and I went to the corn maze! And for those of you who have been to Tooele's corn maze imagine that times 4! the one down here is completely sick! There is four levels to it. We had the hardest time with level one, so I got on his shoulders and had to lead us out that way. In the middle of the four levels there is a huge haystack and when your done you climb up on it and then the tractor comes and gets you to take you back to the main area where they have swings, a petting zoo, a redneck trampoline (which is hay with mattresses stacked on top on it covered in plastic), tether-ball, and a volleyball court where the net isn't a net its hay haha. All in all we had a blast. Then we went and Pres bought pumpkins for grams, him, and I to carve but we are waiting till Monday to carve them. Well I gots to go now Grams and I are going to costco to replenish our severely empty cabinets!
lovers ya
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