Saturday, November 20, 2010

Harry Potter & I

Pres and I went and saw Harry Potter 7 Thursday night!! IT WAS AMAZING. Only thing that sucked was the theater was full of high school kids and they kept jumping around and dancing before the movie started and then when the movie started there was lots of screaming and stupid things ughhh I sure hope I was never that annoying but unfortunately I probably was...
The theater had a costume contest and this guy dressed up as Voldemort and he looked totally kick ASS!! I mean he was even wearing fake nails and walking around barefoot. I just had to get a picture with him when I saw him. Even though pres made fun of me waay bad.
Work has been crazy lately. The girls had their annual banquet so we were shopping and doing hair and makeup and just everything. It was a blast, once again can I just say I LOVE MY JOB!! I really lucked out with this one. :)

I am also taking a rock climbing class. We went out to snow canyon last Thursday and my teacher set up 3 climbs. I only got to do one cuz I was waiting to do the highest one and then we ran out of time but I'll for sure get to do it next time! I love climbing its like the biggest rush and when you get to the top and look down its breathtaking. Especially in snow canyon.
I get to go home Tuesday and stay clear till Friday! That'll be the longest I've been home since i started working. And to top it off pres is coming to meet my parents!! aAhh hehe i'm so excited! Well thats pretty much it, more later!!

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