Thursday, April 15, 2010

Guiness Book of World Records here I come!

Just got home! Today at Dixie for D-week they wanted to attempt to break the book of world records for the Longest Massage Chain! and guess what... we DID IT!!! I believe there ended up being around seven hundred of us!! I was number 23, after they gave us t-shirts but you had to practically risk your life in a mosh pitt from hell to get it, seriously it was crazy! Afterwards we watched the Blindside out on the soccer field which was nice until I lost feeling in my toes and my nose. It wasn't insanely cold cuz we had blankets and I was kinda cuddled up with Kaylee and Whitney (but I would have much rathered cuddled with the cute boy that was next to Whitney) anyways now that over and i made the 30 minute drive home. I really really hate that drive but living with grandma really has been awesome, besides she just listed the house so with any luck we'll move into St George soon! I've got my fingers crossed for that one.
I Passed my Lib 1010 final today, with a 80%. Although it was insanely easy and stupid class so thats not really bragging rights... Tomorrow I have to choreograph the rest of my dance with my group, attempt to clean my room, and go to The Great Race (which is going to ROCK) then to the carnival-or the dance party dunno which yet- and then the SHE club sleepover!! yaya

Anyhoo heres some of the pics i took at the massage train tonight :) talk to ya probably sunday... but hopefully sooner

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