So today was just supposed to be a hang out with Grams and Gramps day. And it prreety much was. Grandma and I woke up about noon and ate some breakfast. Then I made some yummy pudding and went to go get ready because Grams wanted to take Gramps to the park today and since we need two of us with him I had to come. Which I totally didnt mind this because I thought we were going to be stuck home cleaning all day. So I got ready and just wore a tank top and my shorty mc short shorts (yes whit i'm stealing that saying from you ) so I could hopefully get my tan on.
So we went and picked up Grandpa and took him to my favorite park. THE SPINNY PARK. mostly because its really close by to his rest home. and we sat in the sun for a bit. then i went and picked up some pizza and brought it back and we had a nice little picnic at the park. It was such a beautiful day outside and it was really great to get Gramps out of the rest home for those few hours. That place, even though its nice, is such a depressing atmosphere. While at the park my friend Tim texted me and asked if I wanted to go see Iron Man 2 tonight. So of course I said yes cuz I've been Dying to see that!
After a little bit longer at the park we took Grandpa back to the home and I sat on his bed and played some Solitaire while they watched tv ( I TOTALLY WON ONE GAME) (and i didnt even cheat) but fell asleep shortly after. After my wonderful nap I told Grams I was going to run home and change into some jeans so I wouldnt freeze while at the theater and she said it would be cheaper if she just bought me some instead of me using all that gas. So we went to Ross and I got some super cute capri's.
Then i went and met Tim at the theatre and we cut in line and got Super Awesome seats and the top in the middle of the stadium. totally awesome. The movie was great! of course. But thats all i'm going to say so I wont ruin it for anyone. Except make sure you watch after the credits!! After the movie Tim and I didnt want to quit hanging out yet so we went to walmart to get some ice cream. But there was only two lanes open and both were soooo long and not going anywhere fast so we left and went to Smiths and were in out and on our way in a quick hurry. Except every time I got out of my car I left the lights on and had to go back. Talk about embarrassing!! Then we decided to take the Ice Cream and our box of 47 spoons haha up to Dixie Rock to eat it.
We climbed up Dixie Rock with only our phones as lighting haha and then sat up there and totally finished pretty much the whole thing of ice cream. I had so much fun just sitting there and talking, he is quite a humorous boy. Then I took him home and we talked outside his house and he kissed me goodnight and I left, drove home, talked to Grams for a bit, and now I'm here. :) all in all it turned out to be a surprisingly wonderful day and night.
Anyways shout out to all the moms out there! happy moms day and thank you for everything you do. I know I wouldnt be who I am today with out my mother. she is such a strength in my life. I'll love her always and forever and miss her so much.
Miss my bestest friends Whitney and Kaylee!! cant wait to see you guys again. :(
Love you all always
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