So pretty much I want to be a Ninja!! Aaron and I watched Ninja Assassin last night and it was pretty much horrible. Cheesy, Bloody, and well just dumb. But the ninja's once you got past all the sillyness were pretty cool. I mean honestly how cool would it be to be able to kick booty like that!! Someday.... maybe!!
All in all in was a pretty fun night.
Today not so much, I didn't sleep very well which always effects my emotions. So needless to say I was kinda a wreck but luckily I had my good friends to talk to me on the phone. (Even though it was insanely early) and keep me cheered up. I vegged and slept and then made food and slept more. I think even though its ExTRemely lazy to have days like this they are very good for you. To just do absolutely nothing... it was a nice break.
I woke up just in time for GLEE!! Thank heavens! It was an amazing episode with a great theme behind it. To just be who you are and be thankful for what you have. At least thats what I got out of it :) It made me realize no matter how bad I think my life is, there are always people out there who have it worse then I do. I mean I have to face it by all means I'm pretty spoiled. ;) I want to start finding a way to contribute. Volunteer somewhere. So I'm going to start looking into anything like that. Which me luck.
Love always,
LOL if you notice the blood splats like paint. :) I think they wanted it to be all anime like, which with as cheesy as it is I think they succeeded :) really cool for the rest of this blog good luck. :) the ninjas struck my interest. :P