Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dreams and babys

So last night I had a dream.. who woulda thought.. I honestly can't close my eyes without dreaming ever. But tonight instead of the nightmares that have been the stars of my dreams as of lately I had a good dream. Better then any I've had in a while. This is going to sound really weird, it sounds even weird to me saying it since I'm totally anti-child at the moment but in my dream I had a baby. And I loved him, he was the most beautiful child I've ever seen and it was like he completed me. Idk its odd I've only had a dream like this once before. That time it was a little girl. but it was the same feeling. I adored her. and when I woke up I was almost sad because I didnt get to be with them anymore.

So because I've had these dreams it causes me to think. What if I'm just getting a glimpse of what its going to be like. What if those will actually be my kids. I know I'm getting a little weird but thats what it makes me think... If those are going to be my kids I'm in. hahaha just not for a while especially considering the boys in my life are less then amazing. And while I completely respect women who are strong enough to raise a child on their own, I am not one of them. lol anyways enough with the children talk its starting to weird me out ;)

So today da da da I get to get my LIBRARY CARD!!!! I'm sooooo insanely excited!!!!!!! You have no idea. I love reading. and I've missed it sooo much! Well I've got to go get the muffins out of the oven.
Love you guys always!! Miss you!!

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