Monday, May 17, 2010

The week

Well theres not a whole lot going on right now.. Just attempting to find a job but kinda secretly not wanting one cuz then I really wont have the time to go home. I have an interview today an St George Care. A rest home where I would be working as a CNA. So we'll see how that goes I guess. Other then that I've just been hanging out with grams a lot! which has been pretty cool. We mostly just go get grandpa and then go for a ride or whatever we can think of. Saturday I made up a picnic and we went to the park with gramps and ate and I layed out in the sun. My uncle met us there and it turned out to be a pretty fun day. :) Yesterday we went to church and then to the rest home and just hung out with grandpa there cuz he wasnt up to leaving. Then I went over to my cousins and braided her hair and hung out with them for a bit.
So its been a kinda uneventful week but still nice.
I'm about 1/3 of the way into Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. I rented it on cd so I listen to it whenever I'm in the car now. Which actually is very entertaining.

Oh so I guess the biggest news I have is I'm going to cut my hair!! I'm soooo nervous about it. but its going to be pretty short I am thinking... ahhhh I dunno :) but at least if its horrible it'll grow out I guess ..
Anyways thats it. In the boring old life of me.

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