Sunday, October 24, 2010

My first love ;)

hehe this is funny cuz I was just talking about this the other day oddly enough. Its really not that big of a romantic story or anything. well, mainly for the fact that I was in 8th grade ;) His name was Cody Needham and i'm pretty sure most of you know him. well we'd spend every day after school talking on the phone for hours. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend so i said yes. So after i was his "girlfriend" we continuted to talk every day after school for hours and hours but very rarely saw eachother at school and when we did we were both to shy to do more then say hey and give eachother an awkward side hug. eventually, via phone, he told me he loved me so i said it back and i was sure i ment it. but then a few weeks later he just quit calling me and we quit talking.
I was very heartbroken and tore all my entries about him out of my journal. I bawled for a good few hours and that was that. :)

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