Monday, October 25, 2010

Parental Units

Where to start... My parents are absolutely wonderful! They are always there for me to lend me good advice, bash bad ex-boyfriends, help me out, and just goof off and be silly. We have some of the best of times together, with my dad its mostly out shooting our guns, camping or fishing, or sitting on his bed after he goes to bed and just catching up. With my mom its spending the day together shopping and running errands or watching old movies that she found at the DI, or staying up until 3 or so in the morning talking because once we get going we cant stop and just being plain ole silly dorks. :) If you've ever wondered were i get my goofiness from its mainly from my mom. Shes so fun. Dad has always pushed me to be a better stronger person and while sometimes we butted heads (okay almost all the time) it always did help me in the end to have someone push me. They are the best parents and while no ones perfect and we fight sometimes i wouldnt trade them for anything in this whole world. I owe them everything.
I love you and miss you mom and dad!

1 comment:

  1. We love you more than words can say. You are such an amazing person. We are lucky to call you daughter. We miss you like crazy and are jealous of all those people down there who get to hang with you.
