Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Siblings :)

I am the oldest of 4 children. Next in line is Sherina Richelle Wymer, she is about a year and a half younger then me and my best friend. :) When we were younger we always fought but now that we've grown up a tad bit she and I do as much as we can together and talk about everything!! Then there is Tamaryn Aubrielle, She's a character! We are about... 6 ish years years apart. I'm 19 she's 13, you do the math ;), she's so funny and getting so freakin grown up its crazy. Every time I look at her lately I realize how beautiful she is becoming and its crazy :)She's very independent and is definitely the "daddys girl" of the family. Lastly there is Jakeb David. He's 10 years old and the sweetest little brother any girl could ask for. Every time I come home he runs up to me and gives me the hugest hug and doesnt let go till I have to pry him off :)

I dont know how to describe them more then that but they are the world to me and I'm so blessed to have siblings as stinkin AWESOME as mine!

1 comment:

  1. ah, this is so nice. Wish I could print it out and save it. You are the sweetest big sister they could ever ask for.
