Kaylee and I have been friends since 4th grade :)Not all the times there have been times that I'm pretty sure we almost hated eachother but i think that the fact that we can bounce back from those and just have a blast together means everything. She is the most wonderful girl I know and I love her more then anything!

Aaron Barker hmmm where to start. :) We have some of the best times together. Whether we are at church or just sitting on my front porch or having a massive pillow fight. He is a blast! And also my fiance ;) jk although we have promised if neither of us are married after 35 ish then we're totally marrying eachother :)
I love my 2 best friends to death!! They mean the world to me and I honestly think I would loose my mind if I didnt have them. Now we just need to work on seeing eachother more often...

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