Thursday, June 24, 2010


So while I was living at home through out high school and the little while afterwards my relationship with my dad was less then amazing. While my mom and I have always got along, my dad and I butted heads a lot. My siblings and I would get in spats and it was just annoying.
Since I've moved out I've noticed everything has improved. I miss being with my mom all day long but our relationship is generally the same as it was. But me and my dad actually get along now (for the most part ;) ) and I find that I miss him more then I ever thought I would. His opinion means so much to me and he gives me the best advice. And my siblings and I never fight!! Its really great!! When I went home during school on the weekends Jake would always give me the biggest hugs and he just wanted to hang out with me the whole time. It made me feel so loved and special.
I guess I always took my family for granted and it took me leaving to really realize how much I loved and needed them. Also I guess that is also part of growing up. I miss them every day and love them.
Anyways thats really all I wanted to say, Is just not to take anything for granted especially your family because they are the ones who will always be there for you no MATTER WHAT!!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Favoritest thing!!

So as I was driving home tonight after a very long day, I was texting a few of my very bestest friends and we were just joking and having fun and I just got this feeling. My favorite feeling in the whole world. Its when things are going right, you know you are loved and are just purely happy. I was coming up the hills and I just started laughing to myself because I couldnt contain my joy and then I started singing along to the music at the top of my lungs and dancing, as much as is possible when your driving ;)

Anyways I hope all of you get that feeling to! I know I love you all and you mean the world to me. Thanks for brightening my day in your own ways!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

New Job!

I'm officially a working girl now! I cant believe it. I'm so crazy nervous because this job is nothing like my last... ahhhh... but still i'm excited i've met some of the women I will be working with and they are amazing! The woman that hired me especially.
So I go to orientation on monday!! hehe Other then that I just finished putting together my fall schedule and I'm pretty excited but i'm going to buckle down and not play so much because re-taking classes SUCKS!!

For those of you who would like to know i'm taking Ballet 1, English 1010 (again blech), Medical Terminology, Math 0990 (Again really really blech), intro to rock climbing (wooooooo) and lastly Tennis, because I only had room for one more credit so I just signed up for that one.

Anyways I'm pretty stoked about this fall and starting a new job!! It'll be nice to have an income again :) Oh and I found out today that I don't have to retake Biology!! That was the best news of the day! even better then getting a job in my opinion cuz that class was brutal!!!!
well I'm off the watch my new movies, Moulin Rouge and Little Rascals!
Love ya lots!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

10 things :)

List 10 things that make you happy, one of them needs to be something that has happened to you/for you today and then pick 5 fellow bloggers that make you smile. And then they hopefully pass it along to keep the smiles going 'round.

#1 My number one thing that makes me happy is reading. I love reading because it takes me to places I'll never go and its just so fun to get away from life and relax and read a good book.

#2 My family. I love my sisters and little bro. But especially my parents. They do their best to do right by me and are always there to support me. I love them and they mean the whole world to me.

#3 My friends. With out my friends I would LITERALLY go bat-shit crazy. They are always there for me to do whatever whether its talk all night or go to walmart at midnight cuz there's nothing else to do. I owe them more then they know.

#4 My phone. As lame as that is to say it I love my phone. It keeps me in touch with everyone and i am very thankful for that.

#5 My Grandparents. I am so blessed to have three sets of grandparents and they are each important in their own ways! They are my favorite people to hang out with and are inspirations to me.

#6 My Teddy! hehe not my teddy bear but my dog. He's at my house in Tooele so I miss him so much. He's the best dog I've ever had and if I could I would have him down here with me because he is simply the best. I dont have a picture of him on this computer though :(

#7 Food!!! I am the biggest food fanatic! I love food and I love trying new food! Thai, Chinease, ANYTHING!!

#8 Nail polish hehe. I love painting my nails. Its just a very fun form of entertainment and I love collecting all the different colors.

#9 Music. Music has and always will be a huge part of my life. I love how a song can stir up specific feeling. It can always make me happy when i'm singing along at the top of my lungs.

#10 Glee! I cant believe how much I love Glee its simply amazing! The show and especially the music is unbelievable.

Well thats it. Just saying its not really in order of importance or anything just in the order they popped into my head!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Well I had a job interview today with Turn Community Services. They are a non-profit organization that works with mentally handicap people. Teaching them job skills and just helping them in general. The interview went really well, and they scheduled me for the last part tomorrow at 3. Thats when i'll actually go in and kinda job shadow them. they introduce me to the people and show me around. if i do well i get the job. :)

After the interview I didnt want to go home so i went to the college and made an appointment with my counselor for thursday. then i sat on campus and read some of my book till it got to hot and i left. Went to the outlet mall to look around then remembered "oh hey!! i do know someone down here!!" so i texted Quinton and he came and picked me up from the mall and we went and played Tennis for a little while but as it was insanely hot we left pretty quickly. Went to the spinny park but couldnt play cuz everything was to hot to touch so we ended up just sitting on the swinging benches and talking for a while. Then we went to I-Hop and had dinner. then to his house and later the park. It was a very fun day and he pretty much saved my life!! It so boring and lonely at this house with no one here. and I dont even know anyone here to party with so even if that was an option it really isnt.

Anyways thats really all that has been going on. :) I did a henna tattoo on my arm. turned out pretty cool.. i'll post some pictures.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I just got done watching Funny Girl on netflix. Such an amazing movie!! She falls in love with an amazing man. of course ;) but the whole time while all these good things are happening with her I keep thinking "hmmm she's going to find out he's cheating on her" or "he's going to leave her or he's lying about something" and then when it didn't happen I realized .. I'm turning into a cynic.. if i cant watch a musical which i know generally end happy without being terrified about the man doing something awful, then something is seriously wrong. I mean isn't it usually the other way around? Believing throughout the movie that everything is going to be perfect only come to find out its not? And then in the end it does happen and I'm just like "I knew it" At least its like reality. Nothing is like a fairy tale, no matter how much you wish or pray or just simply try to ignore the bad, its always there and always comes back. Anyhoo it was an amazing movie and I wish i could sing even just a little like Barbara she's so amazing. If you haven't seen it I would DEFINITELY recommend it.
Well its 3 in the morning so I'll write more later

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Update on me ;)

Going home from St George today, we all brought Grams and Gramps back so he could be put in his new rest home for hopefully good this time. poor guy this whole thing really sucks!Whitney and I went shoppin on Tuesday and that was pretty fun, walking into every clothing store there was and wishing we could afford even just a shirt but that wasnt happening. After that Jared took me to see Prince of Persia and we went and played at the park afterwards till it started raining and we ended up sitting on my porch till 3 o clock in the morning, which seriously pissed off my parents ;/ oops :)
I went to graduation on Wednesday and it was SO boring! but it was still fun to be there and support all my old friends. Afterwards as I was looking around for everyone to say congratulations, I was not so secretly hoping to run into Bobby... I still cant figure why I've had about a million different scenario's run through my head about what I would do when I saw him. Mainly I looked really really good and wanted to make him jealous that he wasnt with me anymore.. or at least I was hoping that would be how he felt ;) but alas I did not see him at all afterwards. Probably a good thing now that I think about it.

Then it was Thursday and we were going to St Geezy again. Friday Mom and the girls and I all went out to Dixie rock and hiked all over and then Sheen and I went to a Bonfire with Justin and some of his friends. Yesterday I just hung out at home with the cousins while our parents allwent to Mesquite.
Today were coming home and I get one more week to see my friends! AND I'm hoping to do a card night but who ever knows about these things.