Friday, April 23, 2010


So I just woke up from a wonderful dream. It was so empowering and just perfect in its own silly way. So here is the dream:

So first I went on the date, totally amazing we rode a dirt bike in a library (don't ask i'm just telling it like it is) then I was competing in a beauty pageant, I was in a huge I mean Seriously HUUUGEE evening gown. And the judges were just being horrid to all the contestants like nightmare bad. So I got sick of it and stood up to them. When the guy came over to tell me I was kicked out, I got really close up in his face and told him that I didn't care that I was getting kicked out but that he better watch himself and the other judges because I would be there at every other beauty pageant to watch him and make sure he was doing things the right way. And then he passed out! muahhaha So I stormed out with my huge dress and everyone applauded me. When I got outside my date from earlier was there and he gave me a huge hug and said he needed to talk to me in private, just then a bunch of girls came out and started talking to me. He waited patiently by my side with his hand around my waist and then suddenly I felt him slip something into my hand. It was a little velvet box. When we were finally alone I opened it up and it was the most beautiful little gold necklace with this opalish thing. I then proceeded to have the best make out session of my life.
The End

So I roll over and wake up and I just feel amazing. I know its kinda silly but I really don't care. Whenever I talk to my mom about dreams she always says that she believes that sometimes dreams are there to give you the things you are lacking in your life. Sometimes that is love or maybe action, or maybe getting to wear a beautiful dress, Sometimes just a hug, or telling someone exactly what you feel and getting praised for it. Dreams are there to fulfill what you can't fulfill in your life. I totally agree with her about this.
-I know there are exceptions but i'm not talking about them ;) -
Anyways now that I've philosophized you to death I've got to go get ready for my day
Love always

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


I finally finished this darn Research paper! I'm so happy. Not to mention I finished all of my laundry today as well, which, is AmAzing cuz I haven't done any in too long. I also cleaned my closet up and made my bed ;) fixed dinner for grams and I. Needless to say this is the most productive day I've had in a while and I did it all in my sweats!

So while I was folding some of my laundry I watched Gran Torino. That movie is so so good, and I bawled like a baby at the end :( it gets me every stinking time. But its definitely on my favorites list! anyways i'm going to crash now. haven't gotten to sleep before 2 am in two nights now.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Me and the girls at the dance
Aaron, Me, Whit, Cody, (Quintons date), and Quinton when we first got to the dance.
Studly Aaron and I

Okay, so last night was the D-Dance. It was SO much fun. I got all dressed up in what would have been my prom outfit but wasnt. (not even sad about that though ;) ) met my date there. Aaron is his name and he is a StUd MufFiN!! we had a blast dancing and goofing off. I felt so silly though I stepped on his feet A lot :/ but he just laughed and kinda made fun of me. when I took my shoes off I stepped on his feet and we danced like that for a bit it was way fun.
Then it was midnight! Ah! time to become a true rebel, except I didnt know if he was game or not but it turned out he was so we went out there and he took his shoes off and we got into the fountain, but it was Ice Cold! So cold your feet felt like they were bruised or something. so we jumped back out and waited for the absolute last minute to get back in. then at midnight we kissed :) nothing gross and slobbery just a nice kiss. but we jumped out of the fountain asap! after wards we went back to their house and watched Night at the Roxbury and then we all went back to whits house and slept.
Today was Greg's farewell and I went and watched that. Afterwards I came home and did homework. YUCK. but then at five I went with Kaylee and Whit to Jenna -kaylees roomate- s bridal shower for a bit then later tonight we went to the hot tub at Whits house. The boys met us there. Man does Aaron look good with his shirt off ;) but now i'm home and stuff. so i'm going to go sit in bed and sleep hopefully
Night, Sleep Tight,

Saturday, April 17, 2010


Okay so D-Dance is tonight and thanks to my wonderfully amazing awesome friends I have a date! and he's totally cute too! i'm so so excited, kinda feel bad for not being kaylees date .... but ya hahaha now i have a cute boy, whom,
(if i'm really lucky) i will kiss at midnight in the fountain and become -drum roll- a TRUE REBEL!!! yayayayayay haha well got to go shower and what not. cross your fingers for me tonight
loves always

Friday, April 16, 2010

Nap time

So I just took the best nap I've had in quite a long time, seems like I never have time for naps anymore... really that is such a tragedy because so many good things come from them :) now that I've got some wonderful energy I'm going to go clean up my room. haha its the worst its been since I've been living here so that really really not good. not to mention the fact people will be coming to see the house soon so it has to be Spotless! I'm so excited for tonight its seriously going to be a blast, theirs the Great Race at 6 and the Carnival afterwards at 7, and then after that the SHE club is finally having our sleepover! I'm so so stoked! I'm taking my camera so i'll have some pictures to post and I'm sure they'll be some funny ones ;) Talk to you later! loves, Arreana

Thursday, April 15, 2010


So everytime I think i'm over something even just the slightest it comes back and bites me in the butt even harder. I was on facebook ( i know i have a addiction you dont have to tell me) and i wasnt even going to look at bobby's page, i've been doing really well at that lately, and then on my homepage i scrolled down to see what everyone was up to and derek bobby's best friend and brother in law had mentioned something about a girlfriend on bobbys page, so i had to go check it out, he said it wasn't anything but still the thought.. wow it was like a knife to my chest. I guess i still want us to be together forever.. like we had always talked and that this little spell will just end and it'll be like it never happened. now the logical part of me knows this is stupid but at the same time.. i dont know how to not want that, ya know?
i know i joke and love to look at boys but if it were to come down to dating other guys, i just dont think i could go through with it. thats bad. cuz obviously he's not having a problem at all...
sorry i know no one wants to read about me whining but i had to get this off my chest so i can maybe sleep a little tonight. otherwise.. ya. I cant wish that bobby and i never happened because this last year and a half was the best time i've ever had, bobby has played such an important role in so many things.. how do you get over someone who was so so detrimental to your life? I want to text him everyday just to see how things are but i stop myself because i'm afraid i'll just be the annoying ex. even though he said he wanted to stay friends i cant help but think that that was just to be nice.. anyways i'll quit hahah night.

better and more fun stuff tomorrow

Guiness Book of World Records here I come!

Just got home! Today at Dixie for D-week they wanted to attempt to break the book of world records for the Longest Massage Chain! and guess what... we DID IT!!! I believe there ended up being around seven hundred of us!! I was number 23, after they gave us t-shirts but you had to practically risk your life in a mosh pitt from hell to get it, seriously it was crazy! Afterwards we watched the Blindside out on the soccer field which was nice until I lost feeling in my toes and my nose. It wasn't insanely cold cuz we had blankets and I was kinda cuddled up with Kaylee and Whitney (but I would have much rathered cuddled with the cute boy that was next to Whitney) anyways now that over and i made the 30 minute drive home. I really really hate that drive but living with grandma really has been awesome, besides she just listed the house so with any luck we'll move into St George soon! I've got my fingers crossed for that one.
I Passed my Lib 1010 final today, with a 80%. Although it was insanely easy and stupid class so thats not really bragging rights... Tomorrow I have to choreograph the rest of my dance with my group, attempt to clean my room, and go to The Great Race (which is going to ROCK) then to the carnival-or the dance party dunno which yet- and then the SHE club sleepover!! yaya

Anyhoo heres some of the pics i took at the massage train tonight :) talk to ya probably sunday... but hopefully sooner

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Okay so the buffet was at the Mirage, it was Intense! It was all set up like the picture, only there was everything from Italian, to Chinese, to raw fish (ex: all you can eat snow crab legs) and well just everything. It was delicious! Then we went to Caesars Palace and walked around the forum shops and what not. Our last and final stop of the night was Fremont Street. When we got there the light show had just started! It was so interesting the whole sky was like a giant tv! the picture up top is one of Fremont Street. But thats pretty much it. We got home at like 4:30 am and I had dance at 10:30 am so that sucked but oh well.
Going to do some homework I've been neglecting now, hopefully.
My very first blog ever! ba I've always thought it was a fun idea but never actually imagined I'd have one of my own. So here goes nothin...
Yesterday I went to Las Vegas with my cousins and Grandma. We did the whole touristy thing up and down the strip into almost every casino and then down to Fremont street. It was so cool! I was like a little kid oohing and aahing over everything. We went to the Luxor and as we were walking through a guy asked us if we would like to stop and try the Oxygen Bar for free, so we stopped and tried it! it was SO cool except the thing that you stuck in your nose they had four different "flavors" Peppermint, a Lavender and Hibiscus or something, Hibiscus, and Peppermint and Wintergreen. It was really envigorating (cant spell sorry). We ate at this insane buffet! I'll write more about it later when I'm not at Kaylee's house and have watched Glee! cuz I missed it yesteryday!