Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My Siblings :)

I am the oldest of 4 children. Next in line is Sherina Richelle Wymer, she is about a year and a half younger then me and my best friend. :) When we were younger we always fought but now that we've grown up a tad bit she and I do as much as we can together and talk about everything!! Then there is Tamaryn Aubrielle, She's a character! We are about... 6 ish years years apart. I'm 19 she's 13, you do the math ;), she's so funny and getting so freakin grown up its crazy. Every time I look at her lately I realize how beautiful she is becoming and its crazy :)She's very independent and is definitely the "daddys girl" of the family. Lastly there is Jakeb David. He's 10 years old and the sweetest little brother any girl could ask for. Every time I come home he runs up to me and gives me the hugest hug and doesnt let go till I have to pry him off :)

I dont know how to describe them more then that but they are the world to me and I'm so blessed to have siblings as stinkin AWESOME as mine!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Parental Units

Where to start... My parents are absolutely wonderful! They are always there for me to lend me good advice, bash bad ex-boyfriends, help me out, and just goof off and be silly. We have some of the best of times together, with my dad its mostly out shooting our guns, camping or fishing, or sitting on his bed after he goes to bed and just catching up. With my mom its spending the day together shopping and running errands or watching old movies that she found at the DI, or staying up until 3 or so in the morning talking because once we get going we cant stop and just being plain ole silly dorks. :) If you've ever wondered were i get my goofiness from its mainly from my mom. Shes so fun. Dad has always pushed me to be a better stronger person and while sometimes we butted heads (okay almost all the time) it always did help me in the end to have someone push me. They are the best parents and while no ones perfect and we fight sometimes i wouldnt trade them for anything in this whole world. I owe them everything.
I love you and miss you mom and dad!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

My first love ;)

hehe this is funny cuz I was just talking about this the other day oddly enough. Its really not that big of a romantic story or anything. well, mainly for the fact that I was in 8th grade ;) His name was Cody Needham and i'm pretty sure most of you know him. well we'd spend every day after school talking on the phone for hours. Then he asked me to be his girlfriend so i said yes. So after i was his "girlfriend" we continuted to talk every day after school for hours and hours but very rarely saw eachother at school and when we did we were both to shy to do more then say hey and give eachother an awkward side hug. eventually, via phone, he told me he loved me so i said it back and i was sure i ment it. but then a few weeks later he just quit calling me and we quit talking.
I was very heartbroken and tore all my entries about him out of my journal. I bawled for a good few hours and that was that. :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Gotta Have a Little Fun

Day 1 - Introduction
Day 2 - Your First Love
Day 3 - Your Parents
Day 4 - Your Siblings
Day 5 -Your Best Friend
Day 6 - Your Husband/Boyfriend
Day 7 -Your definition on Love
Day 8 - A moment
Day 9 - Your Beliefs
Day 10 - What you Wore Today
Day 11 -What you Ate Today
Day 12 - What's in Your Bag?
Day 13 - This Week
Day 14 -An Embarrassing Moment
Day 15 - Your Dreams
Day 16 - Your First Kiss
Day 17 - Your Favorite Memory
Day 18 - Your Favorite Birthday
Day 19 - Something you Regret
Day 20 - This Month
Day 21 - Something that upsets you
Day 22 - Something that makes you feel better
Day 23 - Something that makes you cry
Day 24- Something that makes you angry
Day 25 - A First
Day 26 - Your Fears
Day 27 - Your Favorite Place
Day 28 - Something that you Miss
Day 29 - Your Aspirations
Day 30 - One Last Moment

I'm gonna do this cuz it sounds like fun and maybe it'll keep me actually blogging cuz lately I just don't know what to write about :)

So by introduction i'm guessing its asking me to introduce myself :) so here goes...

I am 19 years old and attending Dixie State College. With a major in Nursing. Although i'm really just doing generals cuz ya gotta do those first ya know. :)I work for Turn Community Services in a group home with 8 ladies that have different levels of mental handicaps and I love it. I'm dating Preston Scott Jolley and am head over heals for him. I love being outdoors and getting dirty :) I'm goofy and I know it :) I lived in St George till I was 8 and then we moved to Tooele UT until i moved back down here for school. The first real friend I made in Tooele was Kaylee Bankhead and we've stayed friends ever since. I love her to death and miss her even more!
Well thats all i can think of for now :)

Friday, October 15, 2010

Corn Maze

Wow its been quite a while since I've had time to sit down and blog. I have been doing a lot but at the same time not really anything new. Mostly I just work and go to school. I hang out with Preston a lot to. He's really great and since my bestest friend had to move home he's been a lifesaver ;) The main thing i'm looking forward to is next week! I get to go home for 2 1/2 days to visit for Sheens birthday! I'm very excited!!Its going to be nice to be home even if it is a short visit.

Wednesday night Pres and I went to the corn maze! And for those of you who have been to Tooele's corn maze imagine that times 4! the one down here is completely sick! There is four levels to it. We had the hardest time with level one, so I got on his shoulders and had to lead us out that way. In the middle of the four levels there is a huge haystack and when your done you climb up on it and then the tractor comes and gets you to take you back to the main area where they have swings, a petting zoo, a redneck trampoline (which is hay with mattresses stacked on top on it covered in plastic), tether-ball, and a volleyball court where the net isn't a net its hay haha. All in all we had a blast. Then we went and Pres bought pumpkins for grams, him, and I to carve but we are waiting till Monday to carve them. Well I gots to go now Grams and I are going to costco to replenish our severely empty cabinets!
lovers ya