Sunday, May 30, 2010


So this week has been amazing. I'm finally home and I'm loving it. I've missed everyone so much, and one of the best things is grams is here with me too!!

Okay so Friday last week grams got a call early in the morning from gramps rest home saying they couldn't keep him cuz of his anger problems so we had to take him to salt lake to the hospital cuz they have a program where they try all the different types of drugs on him until they can make his anger go away. So Karls kids came and got him for us and took him up there on friday. Grams and I left Saturday afternoon and drove up here. I drove the whole way cuz she was flustered and stressed and her driving goes all to poo when shes like that.

All week it seems like i've been doing tons of stuff but because i dont want this post to be waay long i'll just give highlights.

Monday- Aaron came over and we played all day, literally first we played some war, speed, California speed (except we forgot most the rules for that one so we made up our own) and egyptian rat screw. Then we played Uno with Sheen. Next we got out the Dominoes and set up some pretty cool things in the hall way except we didnt get very far cuz I kept accidentally knocking it down. Then later we played Phase 10 with my grams, mom and jake. Whit and Sheen and I went on a late night Denny's run and then to Walmart out of boredom. Then Whit and I sat in her car talking till about 3 in the morning. I love long talks with friends!!

Tuesday- Jared invited me to hang out so he picked me up and we went to his house and in his back yard (which is more like a huge field) and built a fire. It took about an hour took get the fire lit but once it was going we roasted marshmallows and talked it was really fun and nice to catch up with an old friend and joke about our first loves. We got hot cocoa right before he dropped me off at midnight cuz my dad had to play dad and give me a curfew.

Wednesday- I just hung out at home mostly with my siblings and mom and grandma. Chadly came over for a bit to play some guitar hero. Mostly I just read my newest book. The hunger games. Spent the night with Kaylee making shirts and a power point for the next day. We stayed up till 2 and I sure missed her for the last little while we havent been able to hang out

Thursday- Kaylee and I drove up to Granger high school where her sister teaches financial lit. We played with beer goggles with the kids and then put on a presentation about college and what its like, and what we did, and what not. It was a lot of fun. My favorite was the last period of the day they were a lot of fun!! That night Kaylee and Whitney and I were gonna go to Sex and the City 2 but then i didnt contact kaylee in time so we didnt get to go :( so whitney and i were really bored and didnt have anything to so we went to wally world in search of giant marshmallows and mostly just an excuse to get out of the house. We spent a good couple hours in walmart goofing around and stuff. Then went to maceys to see if they had the giant marshmallows but of course they didnt either so we just got some really yummy pretzel shaped donuts. Then went back to my house and watched most of Emporers new groove!! I havent laughed that hard in a long time.

Friday- Aaron came over for a bit in the afternoon and we talked and he gave me my engagement ring ;) and we planned our engagment pictures and when we would take them. When he left I read my book and and then helped my dad look up people on facebook. After that we put in Where the Wild things are. My dad and I were play punching eachother but both ended up with bruises :D haha so fun. So for the most part that day was just relaxing.

Saturday- Went to SLC with grams to visit gramps again and then her and I went to Trolley Square and had lunch at The Spaghetti Factory and then got abunch of taffy from the candy store there. When we got home and my cousins got there we all went swimming. It was freezing!!! I had fun slidding around in the shallow part with jake and slow mo running through the lazy river. but it was so cold and my lips were turning blue so i got out like a half hour early. We went and watched the fireworks at the miller motor sports park. When we got home Sheen and I watched The Hurt Locker, I finished my book, then went to sleep.

Sunday- Woke up and went to Sacrament with Aaron today. We had fun making fun of Theresa ;) and I got to see my 6th grade teacher. After that we left and ended up sitting in his truck talking for like 2 hours it was soooo awesome!! He's so great and fun!!! When i got inside my dad teased me about him being my new fling and i told him noo were just friends, but their all taking bets anyways ;) Now i'm in SLC visting gramps again cuz grams cant drive in salt lake traffic. Later were gonna have a picnic with my cousins. I'm excited!!!!

Sorry this is soooo long. I even tried to make it short!
more later!!
Loves and kisses

Saturday, May 22, 2010


This is the Venetian Apricot Chicken

I have had some of the yummiest food ever these last couple days!! On thursday Grams and I took Gramps to an Italian restaraunt commonly known as the Olive Garden. I decided to be adventurous and get something that has always sounded yummy but I've never actually tried. The Venetian Apricot Chicken. Holy cow it was the most yummy chicken I've ever had!! Sweet but not too sweet ya know?
This is the Asparagus and Arugula Salad

And then today Grams and I went to California Pizza Kitchen after visting gramps at his new home. I got one of their new mini appetizers called Asparagus and Arugula salad. It was so interesting. Not a mix of flavors I'm used to and therfore amazing! We also got the thin crust Sicilian pizza.
And this is the Soufflé

For desert we got a chocolate soufflé with vanilla bean whipped cream underneath and ice cream on top! once again soooo yummy Grams and I ate that one up soo fast :)

Anyhoo thats all thats interesting going on right now! hopefully something good soon!!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Monday, May 17, 2010

The week

Well theres not a whole lot going on right now.. Just attempting to find a job but kinda secretly not wanting one cuz then I really wont have the time to go home. I have an interview today an St George Care. A rest home where I would be working as a CNA. So we'll see how that goes I guess. Other then that I've just been hanging out with grams a lot! which has been pretty cool. We mostly just go get grandpa and then go for a ride or whatever we can think of. Saturday I made up a picnic and we went to the park with gramps and ate and I layed out in the sun. My uncle met us there and it turned out to be a pretty fun day. :) Yesterday we went to church and then to the rest home and just hung out with grandpa there cuz he wasnt up to leaving. Then I went over to my cousins and braided her hair and hung out with them for a bit.
So its been a kinda uneventful week but still nice.
I'm about 1/3 of the way into Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone. I rented it on cd so I listen to it whenever I'm in the car now. Which actually is very entertaining.

Oh so I guess the biggest news I have is I'm going to cut my hair!! I'm soooo nervous about it. but its going to be pretty short I am thinking... ahhhh I dunno :) but at least if its horrible it'll grow out I guess ..
Anyways thats it. In the boring old life of me.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dreams and babys

So last night I had a dream.. who woulda thought.. I honestly can't close my eyes without dreaming ever. But tonight instead of the nightmares that have been the stars of my dreams as of lately I had a good dream. Better then any I've had in a while. This is going to sound really weird, it sounds even weird to me saying it since I'm totally anti-child at the moment but in my dream I had a baby. And I loved him, he was the most beautiful child I've ever seen and it was like he completed me. Idk its odd I've only had a dream like this once before. That time it was a little girl. but it was the same feeling. I adored her. and when I woke up I was almost sad because I didnt get to be with them anymore.

So because I've had these dreams it causes me to think. What if I'm just getting a glimpse of what its going to be like. What if those will actually be my kids. I know I'm getting a little weird but thats what it makes me think... If those are going to be my kids I'm in. hahaha just not for a while especially considering the boys in my life are less then amazing. And while I completely respect women who are strong enough to raise a child on their own, I am not one of them. lol anyways enough with the children talk its starting to weird me out ;)

So today da da da I get to get my LIBRARY CARD!!!! I'm sooooo insanely excited!!!!!!! You have no idea. I love reading. and I've missed it sooo much! Well I've got to go get the muffins out of the oven.
Love you guys always!! Miss you!!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So pretty much I want to be a Ninja!! Aaron and I watched Ninja Assassin last night and it was pretty much horrible. Cheesy, Bloody, and well just dumb. But the ninja's once you got past all the sillyness were pretty cool. I mean honestly how cool would it be to be able to kick booty like that!! Someday.... maybe!!

All in all in was a pretty fun night.

Today not so much, I didn't sleep very well which always effects my emotions. So needless to say I was kinda a wreck but luckily I had my good friends to talk to me on the phone. (Even though it was insanely early) and keep me cheered up. I vegged and slept and then made food and slept more. I think even though its ExTRemely lazy to have days like this they are very good for you. To just do absolutely nothing... it was a nice break.

I woke up just in time for GLEE!! Thank heavens! It was an amazing episode with a great theme behind it. To just be who you are and be thankful for what you have. At least thats what I got out of it :) It made me realize no matter how bad I think my life is, there are always people out there who have it worse then I do. I mean I have to face it by all means I'm pretty spoiled. ;) I want to start finding a way to contribute. Volunteer somewhere. So I'm going to start looking into anything like that. Which me luck.
Love always,

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Date Night!!

So today was just supposed to be a hang out with Grams and Gramps day. And it prreety much was. Grandma and I woke up about noon and ate some breakfast. Then I made some yummy pudding and went to go get ready because Grams wanted to take Gramps to the park today and since we need two of us with him I had to come. Which I totally didnt mind this because I thought we were going to be stuck home cleaning all day. So I got ready and just wore a tank top and my shorty mc short shorts (yes whit i'm stealing that saying from you ) so I could hopefully get my tan on.

So we went and picked up Grandpa and took him to my favorite park. THE SPINNY PARK. mostly because its really close by to his rest home. and we sat in the sun for a bit. then i went and picked up some pizza and brought it back and we had a nice little picnic at the park. It was such a beautiful day outside and it was really great to get Gramps out of the rest home for those few hours. That place, even though its nice, is such a depressing atmosphere. While at the park my friend Tim texted me and asked if I wanted to go see Iron Man 2 tonight. So of course I said yes cuz I've been Dying to see that!

After a little bit longer at the park we took Grandpa back to the home and I sat on his bed and played some Solitaire while they watched tv ( I TOTALLY WON ONE GAME) (and i didnt even cheat) but fell asleep shortly after. After my wonderful nap I told Grams I was going to run home and change into some jeans so I wouldnt freeze while at the theater and she said it would be cheaper if she just bought me some instead of me using all that gas. So we went to Ross and I got some super cute capri's.

Then i went and met Tim at the theatre and we cut in line and got Super Awesome seats and the top in the middle of the stadium. totally awesome. The movie was great! of course. But thats all i'm going to say so I wont ruin it for anyone. Except make sure you watch after the credits!! After the movie Tim and I didnt want to quit hanging out yet so we went to walmart to get some ice cream. But there was only two lanes open and both were soooo long and not going anywhere fast so we left and went to Smiths and were in out and on our way in a quick hurry. Except every time I got out of my car I left the lights on and had to go back. Talk about embarrassing!! Then we decided to take the Ice Cream and our box of 47 spoons haha up to Dixie Rock to eat it.
We climbed up Dixie Rock with only our phones as lighting haha and then sat up there and totally finished pretty much the whole thing of ice cream. I had so much fun just sitting there and talking, he is quite a humorous boy. Then I took him home and we talked outside his house and he kissed me goodnight and I left, drove home, talked to Grams for a bit, and now I'm here. :) all in all it turned out to be a surprisingly wonderful day and night.

Anyways shout out to all the moms out there! happy moms day and thank you for everything you do. I know I wouldnt be who I am today with out my mother. she is such a strength in my life. I'll love her always and forever and miss her so much.
Miss my bestest friends Whitney and Kaylee!! cant wait to see you guys again. :(

Love you all always

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I had a job interview at Hollister yesterday!! I'm so so hoping I got it. I would love to work there!! (cross your fingers for me) And its a great way to meet people down here. .. since now my two best friends are leaving me i'm going to be in dire need.

I talked to my grandma today, and so i'm pretty sure i'll be up home for the first week in June! yay so I can go to graduation and see all my old friends i miss so much!

Sorry today is going to be a boring and short post, I gotta go meet up with Grams to get some good food from Costco and take Gramps to the park and stuff. So Ciao.!!
Love always and forever

Sunday, May 2, 2010


If your a girl generally 50% if not more of your time (i know i spend more) is spent thinking about boys. Boys do the same thing. We think about if they like us, if they think we are pretty, will they ask us to hang out today, do they even want to hang out with us again today, how should i act when i am hanging out with them, do i sit next to him or do i make him sit next to me. And SOO much more. I realized i spend too much time thinking about boys but i dont know how to quit. Why is it so hard for me to be single? to just be me? I know that i need to be and yet i keep finding myself wanting to be in another relationship. I think that one part is because knowing that someone else is interested in me, makes me feel like i'm worth something, that the other boy really was just crazy and doesnt know what he's loosing. Other times i just long for that closeness you can really only have with that one person.

Being with that boy fills that emptyness that comes after a break up. but i think the purpose of a break up is to learn to fill that with out someone else. maybe. and when i can learn to do that i can learn to be in a real relationship again? I dunno what do you think?
And at what point do i draw the line. I want to date and have fun but i suck at it. I get my sights set on one and then most dont look apealing anymore... hmmm So i cant just swear of boys in general because one: i would go crazy with boredom and two: most my friends are boys...

anyways this whole post has done nothing but make me even more confused but maybe you guys can help me.. help me figure out how to fix this????
love always,

Saturday, May 1, 2010


Well if any of you don't know my Aunt Holly has been fighting cancer for a long time now. She finally passed away last Wednesday about in the morning. I got the text and all I could think of was good she's finally out of pain. I was happy. Her family was happy too, she'd been suffering for far too long. Her funeral was yesterday, and all the happiness I had felt about her passing vanished. Death is insanely unfair, and I've been an insanely lucky person to not have very many people I love die. Nonetheless it still SUCKS.
Anyways it was a beautiful funeral. Very well put together.

After the Funeral and everything they had a luncheon for the family and friends. I got my food and went and sat down by my cousin Dallen. After eating a little I got thirsty and started to drink my water. After a few sips I was like "Man Dixie water sure is nasty! this is why Grams and I buy bottled" Every one on the table agreed with me but started laughing histarically. Finally my cousin was like "You remember the time you shoved a cupcake in my face? Well this is pay back!"
"What are you talking about" I responded
And after a long laugh he said "I put salt in your water, a lot of salt"

EWWWWW hahah it was so gross and they totally got me cuz I had no idea!! So that was funny. now I just have to think of a way I can get him back! and it has to be EPIC!